Well-known member
After upgrading one of my forums from 1.5 to 2.1 some images that have been uploaded as attachments do not show at all, they give a 404 error file not found.
How can I troubleshoot this and find out what the problem even is? I tried a rebuild of the attachment thumbnails but nothing's changed. It's a bit of a worry because this has not happened to all images, and it seems pretty random.
Here's an example from photos that show up in one post but others do not show up in another post of the same thread:
Any ideas?
How can I troubleshoot this and find out what the problem even is? I tried a rebuild of the attachment thumbnails but nothing's changed. It's a bit of a worry because this has not happened to all images, and it seems pretty random.
Here's an example from photos that show up in one post but others do not show up in another post of the same thread:
Το σαλόνι που... ατμίζει (dloger)
Α, εμείς πήραμε ματαδούρα. :party: Αν έρθεις να μου τοποθετήσεις τη διάχυση, θα σου το κάνω κούκλα με γυαλοχαρτάκι ψιλό. Μερακλίδικα. :confused: Κάτι θα κάνω αν δω ότι ενοχλεί κάτω από την οθόνη, Αλλά όχι και γυαλοχαρτάκι :o Κανά βελουδο, αυτό το σπρέι το πως το λένε.... θα δούμε. Καλά εσύ...
Any ideas?