XF 1.5 Lost Newsfeed


Hi Guys,

Last week we lost our news feeds, they had been working perfectly until then. We think we lost them late last week, very coincidentally close enough to when the data centre went down and we had to go pick up the servers and move them to a new data centre. The servers are the same but the IP's would have changed.

We can't be 100% sure they are linked but it's a very big coincidence if the issues aren't linked.

Anyway, when trying to "preview feed entry" in the admin section, we are getting this error -


The following error occurred:
There was a problem requesting the feed.

Error message: Unable to Connect to tcp://feeds.bbci.co.uk:80. Error #0: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known


We are getting the same error across all the feeds we have operating. It would be great if anyone had seen this error before and knew of a possible fix.

This likely indicates that the DNS servers you have specified for your server aren't correct. You'll probably find that you can't resolve feeds.bbci.co.uk via the command line.
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