Lost my alerts - reset?


Well-known member
For best part of 24 hours after 1.2 was installed here I got no alerts top right. They were fine just at first, but after a couple of hours went dead.
I don't think i have ever come here without at least a few ickle red alerts to welcome me - and just before 1.2 arrived, that is the weekend, they were piling in like a red blizzard.

Then from some time early Monday all day until maybe midday Tuesday, none!

A few have started happening but it looks like only threads I have visited/ or deliberately Watched since 1.2.
Have my alerts been reset?

I'm concerned here because there are lots of addon threads I like to watch, and various others important to me as an admin.
Interesting ... I got alerts for both of your replies on this thread ... :confused:

4 mins ago and 8 mins ago. (y)
I've only missed a few tag alerts. Other than that, coming in normal (and seemingly a lot more than usual).
I just got an Alert as well......

seems I am not banned (yet).... at least there are no complaints flocking in about my long signature anymore :D ;)

how boooring :ROFLMAO:
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Yes I checked that when I noticed this. Just checked again and here are my Prefs.

The ONLY thing I changed since 1.2 is I used the new Watch Forums to ensure Announcements and HYS new threads are on my Watched Forums list.
New stuff I acted on since this afternoon is OK but all my older Watched list is not alerting.
I think I'm caught in catch 22 - theere was a gap when I didnt get alerts so I didnt visit my watched threads.
So lots of them are sitting on Watched Threads sulking, not sending me new alerts because I didnt visit them!
Did you get an alert for this message?

Actually, I just realized that I have no idea why it's showing as updated recently for you as the last post was much older than the time you indicated. And I never saw it appear as new until your post.
Did you get an alert for this message?
It seems to be inconsistent. Or maybe it obeys you but not others!

Actually, I just realized that I have no idea why it's showing as updated recently for you as the last post was much older than the time you indicated. And I never saw it appear as new until your post.
The time I cited was at time of posting some time ago.
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