Add-on Looking to hire to fix my XenMedio addon.


Active member

I have an error that appears whenever i try to import a playlist using XenMedio. I used the addon discussion and we were unable to find a solution. I also tried anything i could figure out within my ability and still cannot fix it. At this point I would love to hire somebody who can resolve this issue. Please see a picture of the error below along with a link (to my forum) that lists the entire set of error code i found in the Java console.


Thank you,
Somewhat disappointing to see users of paid add-ons having to pay third parties for support.

I just read the thread, if I've understood the error that's happening, correctly, which is a Security Error, then it is likely down to the PHP ini value max_input_vars.

If it is an especially large playlist then it is likely exceeding that value. Increasing the value to a higher amount should resolve it.

Unfortunately, sometimes, the max_input_vars value may be overridden or set separately by your web server. Which web server are you using? Apache, nginx or Lightspeed or something else?

I would certainly try changing the php.ini value for max_input_vars first.
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