Also if I may ask why do you have a usergroup named "not banned"?
I am the one to blame for the user group arrangement.
When we were first making this site, the plan was to build a programming school that would provide a better way to learn to learn our profession than what college provides, especially considering the economics. I expected a lot of people in their late teens or twenties showing up and I wanted to offer something valuable but not easy to get into. People not matching up to what we are doing would get banned so not being banned would be an accomplishment. It is the military boot camp concept.
The original idea was we would know within three posts if someone was meant for what we are doing. So not getting banned after three posts gets you promoted to not-banned. Before that, you are not a regular member. I guess you are registered but that gets not permissions. Not banned, you start getting permissions.
This Is Not Summer Camp
This is not summer camp. A prominent software company ran a picture somewhat like the one above on their home page. We are the opposite of that picture. Yes, it's nice when epiphanies or other progress is made like that, but most of the time, progress is going to be the result of something that is nothing like that. There is so much BS dominating our industry, including the "
lol haha twitter me on facebook" type of thing, where everyone is all nice all the time. I wanted to stand in contrast to that. I wanted to make starting into our group as different as possible from what people expect and have seen elsewhere. I wanted to make what we are doing so valuable that people who are serious about it will go with the program whether it makes sense to them at first or not. Now days, everything is all nice and happy and mostly full of crap. People are so busy being nice that we act like the Floating Div Scam is something to be clever about instead of something to fix at its root cause. I think it is important to go against that pleasant mob mentality.
The Design of Our Site
Meanwhile, how about this designer, Kirsten? Pretty good for someone who just started getting involved in web design in the last year. She does it in her spare time. Her day job takes most of her and that job is unrelated to the work we are doing at this site. I think her design is fantastic. That is why I posted our site here. She 100% responsible for it, except that she accommodated an irrational preference I had for a red theme. There is a private forum within our site with a completely different theme. What do you think of this? She made the background image with some special software she uses:
and she made this, that goes with this site:
And maybe perhaps condense your logo in the header a bit.