Not a bug Login as User Errors


Affected version
I'm an admin and have replicated this problem found by a moderator.

For reference here are some dummy usernames to help people follow along:

Moderator 1
Moderator Test
Different User

Moderator 1 tried to login as a Moderator Test (test account setup with certain permissions) and was subsequently logged in successfully. This was evident by the avatar and username over in the profile section of the right side of the screen. However, up in the moderator menu it says "Logged In as "Different User".

I replicated this by trying to login is as Moderator Test. Interestingly, the color scheme for Different User remained when I clicked "Revert to user "Different User'" and brought me back to Admin.

I haven't been able to replicate this with any other username.

Any ideas?
That sounds like you are using a user to enable you to log in as different users.

This isn't functionality within the software so you will need to speak to the add-on author for support.
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