Can't login as admin


Well-known member
I changed my password yesterday, and afterwards, I couldn't login to my own forum - either with the old password or the new one. This morning I was already logged in for some reason, so I went to open the admin panel to see which password was saved and now can't log in to admin with either password.

I have another thread about emails not working so I can't reset it the password as can't send an activation email to myself. Anyone know what is going on?
I have my email fixed (increased quotas) and server logs show emails are being sent. But I still can't login. Not to the forum or as admin. No activation emails are being received. My old and new password still not working and can't re-set it with no activation email.

Email is now on SMTP but I can't log in to admin to change it to SMTP so that might be the issue.

I've been informed in a ticket that it's not possible to change the admin password in the server, but to ask on here about changing an existing account to superadmin. So would be grateful for information how to do that. I have another login for the forum that is just as a regular member. How would I be able to convert that to super admin? It's getting a bit stressful.

So yes I should have had another account set up as admin but I didn't. If I can't solve this, what are the options? Set up a new forum, ask everyone to join and close this down?! I have a heck of a lot of resources in it. It's not the forum in my signature, it's a different one.
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Yes, thanks. I didn't quite understand it. The first link. The second of the other post shows changing the password in the server but on my ticket it said that wasn't possible as it's encrypted. And I need to convert another user to superadmin. I appreciate the help very much though - if you could maybe explain a bit more how it works?
Yes, thanks. I didn't quite understand it. The first link. The second of the other post shows changing the password in the server but on my ticket it said that wasn't possible as it's encrypted. And I need to convert another user to superadmin. I appreciate the help very much though - if you could maybe explain a bit more how it works?
It is encrypted but we can over come this issue.

Both links actually use the same method. Per THIS POST
Open phpMyAdmin

Select the database and make a COPY of the DB (this is your backup)

Select the SQL tab and enter the query changing the password and user ID then run the query.
UPDATE xf_user_authenticate
            CONCAT('a:3:{s:4:"hash";s:40:"', SHA1(CONCAT(SHA1('new-password'), SHA1('salt')))),
            CONCAT('";s:4:"salt";s:40:"', SHA1('salt'))
scheme_class = 'XenForo_Authentication_Core'
WHERE user_id = 1;
Thank you very much, that is much appreciated. So - the second screenshot is after the sql query is run? Which bit do you change to change the password? Or does running it just make you set a new password?
Thank you very much, that is much appreciated. So - the second screenshot is after the sql query is run? Which bit do you change to change the password? Or does running it just make you set a new password?
Read the POST carefully. The image is before running. Per the POST "Select the SQL tab and enter the query changing the password and user ID then run the query." as shown by the arrows.
Thank you. So after running it what happens? Does it just require you to set a new password when trying to log in? And would that still need an activation email? As emails are going out but not being received (until I can get into ACP).
It's not that site, it's a different one :-) But thank you for pointing that out. So as a guest you have to complete a captcha? That shouldn't be happening - I thought that was just for signing up. That forum was getting plenty of sign ups until email stopped working.
It's not that site, it's a different one :-) But thank you for pointing that out. So as a guest you have to complete a captcha? That shouldn't be happening - I thought that was just for signing up. That forum was getting plenty of sign ups until email stopped working.
So just to confirm, the only thing I change in the screenshot above, is where it says "new password" and change that to the password I want, is that right? I don't change anything to the last line?
Sorry I'm not clear. I'm in SQL and there is space to add code but I can't see anywhere to add changing the password and user ID
Look at where the arrows are pointing and change those in a text editor before pasting the comments. Since I have no clue as to how you are entering the commands because you do not have cPanel, it's up to you to determine the next steps.

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