XF 2.1 Lock/Unlock Thread Phrase Bug?

Joe Link

Well-known member
I'm trying to change the phrases for lock_thread and unlock_thread using two new phrases in the thread_view template (link_lock_ad and link_unlock_ad). The goal is to change these phrases for certain sections.

I open the thread and the phrase referenced in thread_view (link_lock_thread) displays correctly.


The problem is that once the thread is locked, if I go back into the menu (without refreshing the page), it displays the unlock_thread phrase.


Is it hardcoded somewhere to use the lock_thread/unlock_thread phrase when making the toggle/switch? If so, how can one change it?
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I think the standard phrases are "open_thread" and "close_thread". They are hardcoded in Pub/Controller/Thread.php::actionQuickClose(), you have to make an extension class to overwrite the text.
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