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[LN] Blog

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The only two i can think of is Categories and creating rss feeds from the blogs but im pretty sure they are already on your list..
Edit the Blog Title? Can't remember if you got that in at the end of the beta testing or not.. its been awhile lol.
The only two i can think of is Categories and creating rss feeds from the blogs but im pretty sure they are already on your list..
Yep. :)
Edit the Blog Title? Can't remember if you got that in at the end of the beta testing or not.. its been awhile lol.
That was the last thing I added in right before release, yes. A more elegant solution will be in Beta 4 though.
There are only two features I would like to see added; the ability to add blog categories and the ability to promote a post to a blog. :)
I've seen people mention a Xenporta module, yet I can't find it anywhere. Could someone please post a link?
I've seen people mention a Xenporta module, yet I can't find it anywhere. Could someone please post a link?

My EWRporta_Block_LNBlogRecentEntries template:
<div class="section">
    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <h3>{xen:phrase lnblog_recent_blog_entries}</h3>

        <xen:if is="{$LNBlogRecentEntries}">
                <xen:foreach loop="$LNBlogRecentEntries" value="$recentEntry">
                    <xen:include template="lnblog_sidebar_recent_entry" />
        <xen:else />
            {xen:phrase lnblog_no_entries_yet, 'link={xen:link blogs/create-entry}'}

Attach block to upload.



My EWRporta_Block_LNBlogRecentEntries template:
<div class="section">
    <div class="secondaryContent">
        <h3>{xen:phrase lnblog_recent_blog_entries}</h3>

        <xen:if is="{$LNBlogRecentEntries}">
                <xen:foreach loop="$LNBlogRecentEntries" value="$recentEntry">
                    <xen:include template="lnblog_sidebar_recent_entry" />
        <xen:else />
            {xen:phrase lnblog_no_entries_yet, 'link={xen:link blogs/create-entry}'}

Attach block to upload.


Would be great if someone could do a slightly more advanced one, with the option to show x amount of entries and also a preview (first 200 characters) of the article with a "read more" link..
Would be great if someone could do a slightly more advanced one, with the option to show x amount of entries and also a preview (first 200 characters) of the article with a "read more" link..

Pushing my luck here but a couple of other ideas for the xenporta module
1. Option to not display blogger avatar next to the article
2. Option to display picture attached or inserted into article in place of bloggers avatar
3. Option to display articles from certain categories only

just a few ideas that jumped into my head
Pushing my luck here but a couple of other ideas for the xenporta module
1. Option to not display blogger avatar next to the article
2. Option to display picture attached or inserted into article in place of bloggers avatar
3. Option to display articles from certain categories only

just a few ideas that jumped into my head
There's a few other things Beta 4 will have that will coincide with that, so you won't see those until then so make use of the (not-yet-existing) features and options.
If you made a suggestion and it seemed doable, I've already filed a ticket away in my personal work area but will also comb the thread for suggestions. That doesn't necessarily mean it will be in Beta 4, it just means it's on my TODO list for some version in the future.

If you feel there's something that hasn't been suggested yet, go ahead and do so. :)

I'll smack you.

wiki or ticketing system someplace available for LN BLog development???
OK.. cool. no way to monitor development other than download new releases when they become available.
NOTE - I used EXTRA.css to turn off member info of blog author.
Onimua, late suggestion but hopefully its not too late :)

Is it possible to include the "Import RSS Feed" feature, so we can also import xml rss feeds same like XenForo does in the forums? I think it would be a useful addition as I (and maybe others too) have few blogs and I wanted to import data to LNBlog.

Thanks, keep up the good work.
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