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[LN] Blog

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Onimua, late suggestion but hopefully its not too late :)

Is it possible to include the "Import RSS Feed" feature, so we can also import xml rss feeds same like XenForo does in the forums? I think it would be a useful addition as I (and maybe others too) have few blogs and I wanted to import data to LNBlog.

Thanks, keep up the good work.
Already on the TODO list. (y)
Sorry i meant /blogs/ i was looking at the media before posting and got confused.

you'll need to do a bunch of file edits, for example (but certainly not limited to) the XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('blogs') as well as some template edits and changing the route prefix. Its not a simple 5 minute change and unless you know what you are doing, can be somewhat of a challenge.
you'll need to do a bunch of file edits, for example (but certainly not limited to) the XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('blogs') as well as some template edits and changing the route prefix. Its not a simple 5 minute change and unless you know what you are doing, can be somewhat of a challenge.
You could probably override the function that builds the link by creating an add-on for the blog.
Is there/will there be an automatic blog directory feature for every member who has posted in the blog? Or is there/will there be another way to separate the blog into multiple instances?
Sorry i meant /blogs/ i was looking at the media before posting and got confused.
You would need to overwrite the blog route (buildLink)
And also you would need to create a own route in the acp,so xenforo knows where to route the media requests
If there is a directory, then that works. I just want an easy way for members to browse through user blogs other than browsing through the posts individually.

Right now I'm setting up a manual directory page with user-created Summaries of their blog, for people to browse through... I might be missing something obvious though, but I'm having to manually create the links, such as .../blog/memberid.

Anyway, amazing addon, thank you so much. +Diamond(I've been on Minecraft forums for too long :P )
If there is a directory, then that works. I just want an easy way for members to browse through user blogs other than browsing through the posts individually.

Right now I'm setting up a manual directory page with user-created Summaries of their blog, for people to browse through... I might be missing something obvious though, but I'm having to manually create the links, such as .../blog/memberid.

Anyway, amazing addon, thank you so much. +Diamond(I've been on Minecraft forums for too long :p )
There's a number of things I'd like to improve for the user interface in several areas. There really isn't a proper directory for users but that will be taken care of. There's just a lot of things I need to do and there's only one of me, for better or worse. :p

If you're trying to create a list of users and using the <xen:foreach> tag in the templates you could do something like this then for the template used for the loop:
<a href="{xen:link blog, $blogInfo}"></a>
It's possibleto add users the ability to select order of comments (oldest first, then the new)?
I haven't even dealt with thinking about it yet.
2 Questions:
Is it possible to change the user who has opened the blog or
can I open 2 different blogs at the same time?

my problem is, that i want to have a personal blog and a blog as admin
2 Questions:
Is it possible to change the user who has opened the blog or
can I open 2 different blogs at the same time?

my problem is, that i want to have a personal blog and a blog as admin
You should use two user accounts for that, one for admin 2nd for personal.
2 Questions:
Is it possible to change the user who has opened the blog or
can I open 2 different blogs at the same time?

my problem is, that i want to have a personal blog and a blog as admin
Like Veer said, if you want to have two different blogs to separate yourself, you'd need a separate account.
Like Veer said, if you want to have two different blogs to separate yourself, you'd need a separate account.
I have solved my problem by creating a new user and changing the user id in the sql database for the existing blogentrys, because they are related to the wrong user ;)

I have another suggestion :whistle:
It would be nice to have the option to close a Blog and start a new one. My website is based on fitnesstraining and normaly there a different phases of training. If one is finished, its a better overall view when there a different blogs instead of one monster blog over years
I have solved my problem by creating a new user and changing the user id in the sql database for the existing blogentrys, because they are related to the wrong user ;)

I have another suggestion :whistle:
It would be nice to have the option to close a Blog and start a new one. My website is based on fitnesstraining and normaly there a different phases of training. If one is finished, its a better overall view when there a different blogs instead of one monster blog over years
Probably solved easier with the inclusion of categories. ;)
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