XF 2.3 What's the best way I can organize blog articles in Xenforo?


Active member
I made a tab called "Articles" on the main ribbon at the top of my forum. Where it usually says Forums, What's New, Members, etc. I want to use this new Articles tab to post blog articles that I, and a few other members have written.

But I have no idea how I should arrange the articles. Meaning that I don't know what that page should look like, when someone clicks the Articles tab. And how each article should look once they load it. I'm hoping that someone here knows of a forum that has a good arrangement for their articles. I must admit that I'm kind of at a loss on this one. Any suggestions on how best to do this would be appreciated. Thank you
Not sure if this helps, but this is what I managed just using the native articles (see post above mine) and, IIRC, some code posted on the forums just to help with formatting the layout. Works fairly well for our site. We have three "blog" forums done in basically the same way.

You could get close with a lot of CSS code. XenForo will never be as powerful as Wordpress in the field of blogging but the opposite is also true in the field of forums. It's up to you to see what exactly you want to do with your articles.
You could get close with a lot of CSS code. XenForo will never be as powerful as Wordpress in the field of blogging but the opposite is also true in the field of forums. It's up to you to see what exactly you want to do with your articles.

Would it be expensive to have a competent coder create this my Articles?

I would like it to appear that way when they click on an article to read. Maybe that's just how the first post always looks, then every post after that can just be a normal post. So it's really just a modified thread.
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