I have some links that do not encode properly and are all gibberish. Not sure why its not support multibyte characters. Anything that is from a japanese, korean or chinese website.
Xenforo Server
Xenforo Server
PHP version 8.3.9
MySQL version 8.0.37 (8.0.37-0ubuntu0.22.04.3)
Server software nginx/1.18.0
PHP memory_limit 128M
PHP post_max_size 20G
PHP upload_max_filesize 20G
PHP max_input_vars 1000
PHP max_execution_time 600
cURL version 7.81.0
cURL SSL version OpenSSL/3.0.2
OpenSSL version OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022
Suhosin enabled No
Imagick support Yes
EXIF support Yes
GZip support Yes
mbstring support Yes
gmp support Yes
ZipArchive support Yes