Cannot reproduce Lightbox on "smaller" mobile devices not working correctly


Affected version
Users of my forums report that the lightbox, used to display attached images, does not work properly on mobile devices with a smaller resolution.

Example: Blackberry Keyone ( 4.5" screen) running Android 7.1.1 and Chrome. Attached images open linke on a desktop and the user is not able to navigate or close anymore. Page has to be reloaded.

I tested with iPhone 7 plus - for this resolution it works fine!
Is this only being reported on Android devices?

Can the issue be reproduced on our site here? (anyone who tests may need to register)

Are you 100% certain that it is opening up in a new tab to the image rather than, say, the lightbox opening up but the buttons not being displayed? The buttons do fade out after a period but tapping on the image should bring them back. Does the URL in the address bar change to a different address? (To an attachments URL rather than threads).
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