Fixed Lightbox horisontal scrolling

I can't reproduce this with the browsers listed on Windows or Mac OS X.

Is this exclusive to Linux? Do you have any non-standard settings such as browser zooming over 100% or changes to the system default font size or anything like that?
Is this exclusive to Linux?
No, also exists on Windows 10 Firefox 46.0.1
Do you have any non-standard settings such as browser zooming over 100% or changes to the system default font size or anything like that?
On Linux - system "Ubuntu Regular 10pt" font, also applied to browsers. Windows host - vanilla configs. Any zoom disabled both on Chromium and Firefox.
Update for way to reproduse: open lightbox for first image on page (in 1st post), all looks like normal. Close lightbox, open first image from second box - horisontal scroll appears.
I can confirm this on MS Windows 7 / IE 11. The scrollbar appears on the second or third opened image, but never on the first. The opening order doesn't matter after page refresh. Only the 2nd or 3rd opended pic, never the first is affected.
Unfortunately, this isn't something I've been able to reproduce. I've tried multiple times on the browsers mentioned but it always works as expected.

Is this something others are seeing as well?
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