[Liam W.] Post Macros

[Liam W.] Post Macros 5.3.0

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Yeah, it’s been in use by a few people now without any issues. When I get home, I’ll update it with a stable version.

Probably same answer:
Didn't see that. Will look into when I get home.

EDIT: I purchased back in XF 1.3, but it still gives me a 'Download' button vs 'Purchase.' Does that mean it's active? If so, how does the 25% off get applied exactly?
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Didn't see that. Will look into when I get home.

EDIT: I purchased back in XF 1.3, but it still gives me a 'Download' button vs 'Purchase.' Does that mean it's active? If so, how does the 25% off get applied exactly?

All payments and purchases for XF2 versions are done manually, you need to create an account at https://lw-addons.net and start a conversation with me so I can process it.

@Liam W does this addon allow the application of macros to conversations? I need to set up pre-defined conversation messages which I can send easily. Inserting pre-defined text into the conversation title and message body.
So Liam I can use this to essentially respond to a thread by someone else and it will apply the content of the macro and can do things like apply a prefix / close thread correct?

Any chance you could also add "Move thread" as apart of the macro abilities?

This is some of the stuff on Moderation Macros, not available for XF2:

So Liam I can use this to essentially respond to a thread by someone else and it will apply the content of the macro and can do things like apply a prefix / close thread correct?

Yup, this is correct.

Any chance you could also add "Move thread" as apart of the macro abilities?

I am planning on adding some more actions to macros in the near to mid future. I'm not sure when that will be, but I've got endless amounts of spare time now I've finished university for the year (and I didn't get that job I applied for), so hopefully it shouldn't be to long 👍.

Yup, this is correct.

I am planning on adding some more actions to macros in the near to mid future. I'm not sure when that will be, but I've got endless amounts of spare time now I've finished university for the year (and I didn't get that job I applied for), so hopefully it shouldn't be to long 👍.


Cool, we'll get it picked up :), move thread is really the biggest thing out of that list we use.
@Liam W any luck on letting us use Move Thread ability by chance?

I'm working on it. I took a bit of a break over the last several months. I'm planning on updating and refactoring all my add-ons over the next several weeks, so it should come eventually. I'll start with this update :)

Another thing, this isn't a big deal but on a previous add-on we used you didn't actually need to hit reply, essentially when applying the macro it would post the reply and do all the actions for you.

Currently, set it to change prefix / close it, you have to insert the macro, hit reply and refresh the page to view the results, be nice if it just kind of automatically did it. Maybe an option on each macro to "Submit reply" or something. I can see uses for inserting macros and still wanting to edit posts (how you have it now).
Just a quick note to say that I've put updates to this add-on on hold until the XF 2.1 beta is released, as this is likely going to require changes to make it compatible with the new editor buttons system.

Not as yet. I have a version working with XF 2.1 in my private GitLab, but it's currently in alpha stage as it adds several new features.

I might release an interim patch to allow for 2.1 compatibility with the existing feature set while I finish development of the new features - if so, I'll release it either tonight or tomorrow morning.

I might release an interim patch to allow for 2.1 compatibility with the existing feature set while I finish development of the new features - if so, I'll release it either tonight or tomorrow morning.
That would be great. Also looking forward to seeing what the new features are soon!
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