XF 1.5 Legitimate posts going in spammer log


Active member
We've strange issue while a guest user posts a new message it goes in "Spammer Log" even though it does not contain any banned words.

We're using "visitor" as a default guest name. I have noticed that most of the posts that has "visitor" guest name goes through Spammer Log.

Any ideas?
The spam trigger log (assuming that's what you're referring to) tells you what rule was triggered specifically and that should allow you to consider what actions to take.
Thanks @Mike, it doesn't tell you much though.

Function: Moderation
Generated By: Unknown Account, 57 min ago, Content: post (31805885)
It sounds like an add-on may be involved, as normally this should be giving a reason -- the add-on would need to add the details to the appropriate place for it to be picked up. Please confirm whether you can reproduce this with no add-ons enabled (you'd need to post as a guest without add-ons).
Ok @Mike, I'll check that, although initially I suspected "Akismet", but that would have at least added some clue in the message.
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