Design issue Latest threads widget disappears if not enough threads with permission to view

Jon W

Well-known member
Affected version
Currently the latest threads widget fetches 4x the number of threads it needs and then applies permissions to it afterwards.

On sites where there is a lot of activity that is not visible to guests, this can still result in only a handful of threads appearing or the widget disappearing altogether.

Presumably the rationale behind this is that having permissions checking causes the query to be too big, but with the introduction of guest caching in 2.1 is this something that could be looked at again?
It doesn't really just apply to guest pages, as the same logic applies to registered users. But generally speaking, this is something we have anticipated happening in some scenarios, but we consider them to be rare enough that it shouldn't apply to most forums. If it does apply to you and is something you consider significant, there are options to specify different widgets (with forum limits) for different users/groups if needed.

We aren't planning further changes here at this time.
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