Last movie watched ... highly important topic.


Well-known member
"Shrek Forever After" - actually preferred this one to "Toy Story 3", the magic is back!

"Pandorum" - got a review copy, released in Oz 8th Sept, had a good time with it thought it was kind of "Aliens" meets "The Descent" via "Mad Max 2".

"Chaw" - Korean black comedy about a giant killer boar, were they intentionally taking the mickey out of those "Grudge" movies?
"Kick Ass" - Great movie all around.
"Avatar" - Unique movie, pretty cool.
"Predators" - Epic.

"Predators" rocked imho, fingers crossed the franchise is rebooted.

"Avatar", caught it twice in 3D down the cinema, but couldn't get through the DVD in 2D.
Theater = Iron Man 2
Home = Back to the Future Trilogy

You got to be more specific. Last movie watched where? In the theater, or at home?
Not the latest, but the best kids' movie we've seen lately was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - rarely am I surprised by a movie in a pleasant way. Saw Despicable Me in the theater last week and was somewhat disappointed - extremely derivative. :(

We've also recently subjected our kids to Airplane! and Back to the Future. Forgotten what PG movies were like were when we were kids! Naked bouncing breastesses! LOL

Theater = Iron Man 2
Home = Back to the Future Trilogy

You got to be more specific. Last movie watched where? In the theater, or at home?

Why? People watch however it suits them. Home viewing is now as important as cinema sales considering the insanely ridiculous budgets being tossed onto even mediocre movies.
Last movie in the theater? Clash of the Titans. Getting too expensive for the theater at $12.00 a person.

Last movie at home? Kick Ass.
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