Lack of interest Language Chooser in the ACP for the ACP

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Well-known member
The language chooser you can find at the bottom of every frontend page applies the specified language for both frontend and ACP. Is it possible to make an ACP-only Language Chooser that applies a language for the ACP only without affecting the individual language choice of the frontend?

@Add-on coders: If no reply is given you can treat this thread as an add-on request.
Upvote 1
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That's not a duplicate. Reported and hopefully it will be moved back to its own thread.

Edit: Big thanks, Brogan :)
You probably should have made an own thread for post #6 as it differs from the first post and the original topic title (before my thread has been errorneously merged with this one). I'm not interested in a language disabler for users. What I want is a partial language chooser in the ACP that doesn't affect language choices in the frontend.
You probably should have made an own thread for post #6 as it differs from the first post and the original topic title (before my thread has been errorneously merged with this one). I'm not interested in a language disabler for users. What I want is a partial language chooser in the ACP that doesn't affect language choices in the frontend.

don't worry.
It is all the same ballpark.

I am sure K+M will fix it for us non-english-speakers......

I am sure K+M will fix it for us non-english-speakers......
Eh, this isn't a fix since nothing is broken. It's merely a convenience for lazy people like myself who want to save 2 clicks when using the ACP. But I appreciate your support (y)
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