XF 2.0 JS Video Ads not working?

Hi Guys,

Did any of you have this issue? i'm trying to get the JS video ads to work but with no success. Is there something that needs to be done or they are not compatible?


This is likely related to the JS code you're adding. You may need to look at the browser dev tools to see if any sort of error is logged.

If you can provide an example page with the issue, then we may be able to give more details. (Please make sure your XF URL is updated in your customer area, as I can't see XF on the site listed there.)
You just need to make sure that you've entered that URL for your license in the customer area.

I see ads showing up on your forum in a few different locations. Is this setup to demonstrate the problem? If the ad provider's JS is running and they're just choosing not to display an ad, then unfortunately the problem is likely only something the ad provider can comment on.
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