Active member
I'm working on an AJAX project for the thread page and jQuery isn't working. The jQ syntax is not recognized and the jQ functions aren't recognized as such.
I tried both <xen:require js="js/graffiti/graffiti.js" /> in the template and
$template->addRequiredExternal('js', 'js/graffiti/graffiti.js'); in my listener script.
Here's my JS file: (See my comments within)
The unrecognized functions are used in js.xenforo/full/acp_quicksearch.js, which I am using as a model.
What am I doing wrong?
I tried both <xen:require js="js/graffiti/graffiti.js" /> in the template and
$template->addRequiredExternal('js', 'js/graffiti/graffiti.js'); in my listener script.
Here's my JS file: (See my comments within)
/** @param {jQuery} $ jQuery Object */
!function($, window, document, _undefined)
{"graffiti") // this shows in the console before "XenForo.init() 220ms. jQuery 1.11.0/1.2.8-dev"
XenForo.Graffiti = function($form) {
var f = $("#graffiti_form");
alert(; // alerted "undefined"
xhr = XenForo.ajax(
//$form.attr('action'), // didn't recognize this function
$form.serializeArray(), // throws error "$form.serializeArray" is not a function
function(ajaxData) {
if (XenForo.hasResponseError(ajaxData))
return false;
(jQuery, this, document);
The unrecognized functions are used in js.xenforo/full/acp_quicksearch.js, which I am using as a model.
What am I doing wrong?