XF 1.5 JQuery Java Script Causing Continuous Load

Grizzly Adam

Active member
Move this if it's not in the best place, I have a jquery script I just added to our home page and it causes the page to continuosly load. The script didn't do this when it was placed in an html file, so something much be clashing. Any ideas are welcome.

Here is the html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://firewoodhoardersclub.com/js/simplecarousel/simplecarousel.css" />
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script src="http://firewoodhoardersclub.com/js/simplecarousel/simplecarousel.js"></script>


jQuery(function($){ // on DOM load

    mycarousel = new simplecarousel({
        id: 'swag',
        url: 'http://firewoodhoardersclub.com/js/simplecarousel/swagcarouselcontent.htm'




<div class="carousel" id="swag">
<div class="belt">


And the script:

function simplecarousel(setting){
    var gallerydefaults = {
        navhtml: ['<div class="navsemi"><span>&#65513;</span></div>', '<div class="navsemi right"><span>&#65515;</span></div>'],
        dragleeway: 40, // number of pixels users can drag when at the start/end of carousel before it bounces back
        bounceduration: 0.5 // the duration in seconds for the carousel to bounce back
    var $ = jQuery
    var s = $.extend({}, gallerydefaults, setting)
    s.bounceduration = parseFloat(s.bounceduration) + 's'
    var $carousel = $('#' + s.id)
    var $belt = $carousel.find('.belt:eq(0)')
    var mousemoveevtstr = 'mousemove.dragstart' + s.id + ' touchmove.dragstart' + s.id
    var cal = {carouselw:null, beltw:null}
    var bounds = [,]
    var contentloaded = false
    var $navsemis = $(s.navhtml.join('')).appendTo($carousel)

    this.loadfile = function(url){
        contentloaded = false
        $belt.html('<p>Loading contents</p>')
            url: url,
            dataType: 'html',
                alert('Error fetching content.<br />Server Response: '+ajaxrequest.responseText)
                contentloaded = true


    function setbounds(){
        cal = {carouselw:$carousel.width(), beltw:$belt.outerWidth()}
        bounds = [0, Math.min(cal.carouselw - cal.beltw, 0)]

    function bounceback(){
          $belt.css({transitionDuration: s.bounceduration})
        if (parseInt($belt.css('left')) > bounds[0])
            $belt.css({left: bounds[0]})
        if (parseInt($belt.css('left')) < bounds[1])
            $belt.css({left: bounds[1]})


    $belt.on('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd', function(e){
        var $target = $(e.target) // target
        if (/left/i.test(e.originalEvent.propertyName)){ // check event fired on "left" prop

    $navsemis.bind('click touchstart', function(e){
          var e = (e.type.indexOf('touch') != -1)? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : e
        var $target = $(e.target)
        $target = ($target.hasClass('navsemi'))? $target : $target.parent('.navsemi')
        var initialx = parseInt($belt.css('left'))
        var dir = ($target.hasClass('right'))? 'right' : 'left'
        var newx = (dir == 'left')? Math.min(initialx + cal.carouselw, bounds[0]) : Math.max(initialx - cal.carouselw, bounds[1])
        $belt.css('left', newx)

    $belt.bind('click', function(e){
        if ($belt.data('dx') != 0) // if dragging on belt instead of clicking on it
            e.preventDefault() // prevent default action

      $belt.bind('mousedown touchstart', function(e){
          var e = (e.type.indexOf('touch') != -1)? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : e
          var initialx = parseInt($belt.css('left'))
        var mousex = e.pageX
          $belt.css({transitionDuration: '0s'}).data({dx: 0})
          $(document).bind(mousemoveevtstr, function(e){
              var e = (e.type.indexOf('touch') != '-1')? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : e
              var dx=e.pageX-mousex //distance to move horizontally
              var newx=(dx<0)? Math.max(bounds[1] - s.dragleeway, initialx+dx) : Math.min(bounds[0] + s.dragleeway, initialx+dx) // dx<0 = dragging left
              $belt.css({left: newx}).data({dx: dx})
              return false //cancel default drag action
            if (e.type == "mousedown")
              return false //cancel default drag action

      $(document).bind('mouseup touchend', function(e){
          var e = (e.type.indexOf('touch') != -1)? e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : e
        if (e.type == "mouseup")
            return false

    $(window).bind('resize', function(e){

Most likely this line:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

If you're including the code in XenForo you don't need to call jQuery because we already call it, and calling it twice can cause a conflict.
If you open the Dev tools in your browser (F12) and go to console, there would usually be an error message there which may point to the specific error or line causing the error.
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