Japan just hit by magnitude 8.9 earthquake

I know over the last few days everyone has seen and heard about the trouble Japan is in, but today I was on MSNBC and they have satellite pictures from before and after and it really sinks in how much they need our prayers and help.

Here is the article with the slide show of the before and after pictures. Each picture will show half before/half after. There is a button on the bottom right hand corner to see the whole before/after picture.


If you really want to see the devastation they are dealing with, look through these.

More news this morning. :(

By JAY ALABASTER and TODD PITMAN, Associated Press – 2 hrs 19 mins ago

TAKAJO, Japan – A tide of bodies washed up along Japan's coastline, crematoriums were overwhelmed and rescue workers ran out of body bags as the nation faced the grim reality of a mounting humanitarian, economic and nuclear crisis Monday after a calamitous tsunami.

Millions of people were facing a fourth night without water, food or heating in near-freezing temperatures in the northeast devastated by an earthquake and the wave it spawned. Meanwhile, a third reactor at a nuclear power plant lost its cooling capacity and the fuel rods at another were at least briefly fully exposed, raising fears of a meltdown.

A Japanese police official said 1,000 washed up bodies were found scattered Monday across the coastline of Miyagi prefecture. The official declined to be named, citing department policy.

The discovery raised the official death toll to about 2,800, but the Miyagi police chief has said that more than 10,000 people are estimated to have died in his province alone, which has a population of 2.3 million
In one town in a neighboring prefecture, the crematorium was unable to handle the crush of bodies being brought in for funerals.
"We have already begun cremations, but we can only handle 18 bodies a day. We are overwhelmed and are asking other cites to help us deal with bodies. We only have one crematorium in town," Katsuhiko Abe, an official in Soma, told The Associated Press.

Japan's earthquake shifted the balance of the planet - or so they say....

Last week's devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan has actually moved the island closer to the United States and shifted the planet's axis.
The quake caused a rift 15 miles below the sea floor that stretched 186 miles long and 93 miles wide, according to the AP. The areas closest to the epicenter of the quake jumped a full 13 feet closer to the United States, geophysicist Ross Stein at the United States Geological Survey told The New York Times.

The world's fifth-largest, 8.9 magnitude quake was caused when the Pacific tectonic plate dove under the North American plate, which shifted Eastern Japan towards North America by about 13 feet (see NASA's before and after photos at right). The quake also shifted the earth's axis by 6.5 inches, shortened the day by 1.6 microseconds, and sank Japan downward by about two feet. As Japan's eastern coastline sunk, the tsunami's waves rolled in.

Why did the quake shorten the day? The earth's mass shifted towards the center, spurring the planet to spin a bit faster. Last year's massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile also shortened the day, but by an even smaller fraction of a second. The 2004 Sumatra quake knocked a whopping 6.8 micro-seconds off the day.

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Yep I do know it does, but not this big of a shift and not this far of a drop.

Yes it does. Every single major earthquake has altered our axis and altered the country that was sitting on the plate. A 9.0 magnitude earthquake is not the the biggest we have ever seen yet all I see is hysteria. Seriously, it needs to stop. I have meltdowns, 2012, earth asix thrown off balance. Tell you this, we will still be here next year. Don't get me wrong, I feel so much for the Japanese but it is not the end of the world, far from it.

If you really want to scare me, let me know when Yellowstone blows.....
Yes it does. Every single major earthquake has altered our axis and altered the country that was sitting on the plate. A 9.0 magnitude earthquake is not the the biggest we have ever seen yet all I see is hysteria. Seriously, it needs to stop. I have meltdowns, 2012, earth asix thrown off balance. Tell you this, we will still be here next year. Don't get me wrong, I feel so much for the Japanese but it is not the end of the world, far from it.

If you really want to scare me, let me know when Yellowstone blows.....
Well of course you see hysteria, in Japan. Thousands of people over there feel like it's the end of their world, and that matters to me.

If you're still around after Yellowstone blows, feel free to tell us all about it. :rolleyes:
Well of course you see hysteria, in Japan. Thousands of people over there feel like it's the end of their world, and that matters to me.

If you're still around after Yellowstone blows, feel free to tell us all about it. :rolleyes:

I doubt many of us will be around if Yellowstone blows, the point is, there have been larger earthquakes before this and we are still living on this planet. There is no need to scaremonger. The axis of the earth has shifted, so be it, we will still be around in a few years time.

Yes the Japanese will still be around, much like many of the countries the Japanese tried to wipe out in WW2. Human nature is not to give up. As I said, I feel for the Japanese people but is not the end of civilisation.

They will prevail and come back stronger.
You know, the Japanese embraced nuclear power for energy...and they AS A PEOPLE know far better than any other people on earth, the devastation that nuclear radiation can cause.

So why are the rest of us having hysterical panic attacks?
You know, the Japanese embraced nuclear power for energy...and they AS A PEOPLE know far better than any other people on earth, the devastation that nuclear radiation can cause.

So why are the rest of us having hysterical panic attacks?

Just read AntonyCEA's posts to see why. People buy into the "nuclear will kill us all" bullcrap without knowing all the facts and thus the polititians play to whoever shouts the loudest.
Unfortunately in a melancholy way, it really does make me ROFL, in a roll eyes kind of way at rags like "The Sun".
Who swear blind it had "something to do with the moon".
Not a direct quote...I dumbed it down, from it's dumber status.
You know, the Japanese embraced nuclear power for energy...and they AS A PEOPLE know far better than any other people on earth, the devastation that nuclear radiation can cause.

So why are the rest of us having hysterical panic attacks?
So far, I haven't seen anyone having hysterical panic attacks?
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