I've been doing a lot of begging and...

No, Jaxel. I just realized there are actually more than one feature that I've been begging for.

For instance, sonnb made live topics aka live threads and it works. His works differently than the vb3/vb4 version. I've been begging him to get it working like in vb3/vb4. It's been really tough convincing him. He finally said okay a couple days ago.

The feature I made this thread about is actually about making the playlists for 8waymedia player automatically start.

Now that may not sound major to some of you but this is a REALLY big deal to me because this feature was core in the original 8waymediarun player for vb4. I create playlists on my site but having to individually click on each vid is a bother. An automatically playing playlist prevents the user from having to go to youtube and create an account or create a playlist on youtube. With an automatically playing playlist you can add as many songs and videos as you like be able to play them from anywhere with an internet connection. I have been asking for an automatic playllist for over a year. Basically what it is in case one reading doesn't know, your video automatically starts then moves to the next video when its done and automatically starts.

I've pimped out my media gallery in the mobile theme of the site. Once Jaxel updates the media gallery with an automatic playlists, it will extend the use of the media gallery and I'd be able to convince more members to add, rate and comment videos. It's like bringing the best of youtube to your site, minus the comments that make you feel sorry for mankind.
It wont be anytime soon... I have a lot on my plate right now... I have 3 computers to build over the coming weeks, and a rewrite of XenUtiles is at the top of my priorities.
Push it real hard, p-p-p-push it real hard - salt n pepa

For a moment then I thought you were referring to pushing out a
I was about to send my condolences and wish you all the best.
Before Christmas?
Probably not... this rewrite I am talking about for XenUtiles is a COMPLETE rewrite. I'm building it all in my head right now (its how I program), and then I will start typing it out in the coming weeks. Its how I managed to release XenCarta only four days after seeing XenForo's code design on the public release; I had actually been programming the basic algorithms in my head for a few weeks prior.
Probably not... this rewrite I am talking about for XenUtiles is a COMPLETE rewrite. I'm building it all in my head right now (its how I program), and then I will start typing it out in the coming weeks. Its how I managed to release XenCarta only four days after seeing XenForo's code design on the public release; I had actually been programming the basic algorithms in my head for a few weeks prior.
Is this latest update the complete rewrite?
It wont be anytime soon... I have a lot on my plate right now... I have 3 computers to build over the coming weeks, and a rewrite of XenUtiles is at the top of my priorities.

Stop me if I've said this before...

your cat... is just so ...
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