It started. Should I be sad? (Facebook)

Here's my idea:

Add a "Write New Topic/Discussion" button (and maybe a small text box that expands into the editor when clicked) at the top of the forum index. When clicked, an edit box appears the way the login box appears. The user writes the title and text and when they press "Post", it prompts them to choose a Category -> Forums under that Category show up -> choose Forum...

You have to remember that most people probably look at the forum index dumbfounded. If they came to ask a question, they want to do it with the least work as possible. If you give them something to write on first, they won't give up completing the process. This method could also save a few steps for normal forum users (don't have to scroll to the forum etc.).
It refers to a "threaded" conversation, which ironically isn't used much any more.

Really? What are wordpress blog comments other than threaded :p

Just cos they're not used in forums generally any more, doesn't mean that they're not generally used any more :)

I posted something like this before but less bulky remember? But I'm happy Kier did it the way it is now. Forums are for proper discussion on a specific topic, not for Facebook/Twitter like stuff where you add some short comments, mostly for socializing purposes. Although that can be part of a forum too of course.

yeah, I agree with you and Kier as well.
Here is a site I visit to read funny stories, tutorials and news. (Argentina)

The way they have everything set up makes it easy for newbies to contribute to the site.
Users can be browsing any page and the "Post a new thread" button is always visible, they don't have to browse through categories in order to post.
Here are a few screenshots:

Right above the "Title" field, we see a few rules, what can or cannot be posted. The text in the yellow bar tells users to "Create a good thread. Your goal: 50 points" (each user gets 10 daily points that he can use to "rate" a thread, newbies don't get any, they have to earn them.)





If you are a newbie(or an old member with no points), you cannot comment.


/offtopic ?/
The site was powered by SMF in the early days, modified by some teenager and later sold for around USD $2000 because he couldn't afford hosting(too much traffic). The current owners rewrote the script due to security concerns and now it has no SMF code.

A vBulletin version of the site is out, but I can't remember the url. It looks great.
I understand what you mean, but I still think the default behaviour (as it is currently) is still easier to use and less confusing for the user.
The only change I would do is the linking as per my suggestion above.
I don't understand. I started my forum life when I was 11 years old. The first forum I ever joined was running on vBulletin. I didn't know what signatures were but I figured it out rather quickly by looking around. As for terms such as "threads"... I mean what else could it mean besides topic? You can figure it out be reading the context. How to create a topic? There were buttons that said "New topic/thread!" Where to post something? There was a description of each forum so you'd know where to post something (most of the time). How to find new content? Click on "new posts". Everything was self explanatory. If anything, forum software has become even easier to use and navigate, especially xenForo. I don't think it takes a genius to figure out how to use forum software even if it is their first time. I recently had a new member join my IPB forum (more complicated to navigate than xF or so I believe) and he did absolutely fine. The only thing he couldn't figure out was how to embed a video but that's because the embed video icon on my skins resemble an iPod. I don't think that anything is wrong with the forum software in the market and it shouldn't be dumbed down! One thing I really hate, when developers have to account for stupidity. If people would have a little patience to explore a little bit, they wouldn't have any difficulty. The newer generations just have the attention span of a fly. And now I'm starting to sound old...

/end wall of rant
You could however get some kind of subject / category / subforum chooser while making a thread.. could make it easier..

Then again, most people generally know how that works and have no clue about avatars and signatures, so that would be a long way.
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