"Issue" with GIF search bar and the cursor.


Active member
Affected version
Cloud 2.3
I noticed this before I ever had a XenForo license so would be surprised if someone hasn't mentioned it over the years.

This applies to mobile only. When you go to insert a GIF your cursor stays where it's at in the text but sometimes it's like.. behind the search bar and so you think it's in the search bar and start typing and it gets messed up.


This also leads to sometimes the GIF getting placed in the wrong area because you are trying to click the search bar with your finger but it inserts the GIF into the text behind it which is possibly quoted text as that's frequently in the area.


So yeah, this is a mobile problem but man was it annoying over the years when the sun was glaring and I was walking my dog and trying to get the cursor in the right spot or having to try and hit the trash can icon to delete the GIF and start all over.

I understand why it may not be fixable but just thought I'd point it out.

Thanks. It's hard to search sometimes when you don't know what things are called or how people label it. I think I searched cursor but there were too many results.

Anyway, I bet it's a difficult thing to fix as you'd have to like move the cursor to the search bar which then takes it away from the comment box, if that makes sense. I don't know; I'm not a developer ha.

Thx again.
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