XF 2.0 Sporadic issue with posting cursor going missing


Active member
Hi there,

Im running the latest version on Xen2.

The last few days a moderator on my site has been unable to post start threads on my forum.

They could access the forum but the cursor was missing from the text box and they couldn't reply or post anything.

I tried many things such as checking their permissions etc, and everything was ok. The next step I took was to log on using their account, I had no problems posting.

So I contacted them and told them that I was able to post without issue, thinking it was their computer they went to a local library and tried logging on from a different computer and see if the issue was still there. Again they were unable to post on the site. No problem viewing, just not able to post.

I then created a 2nd account for them thinking this would solve the issue, again they were still unable to post or reply.

After two days the issue went away and they can now post without restriction. However, I have now been told the same issue happened a few months ago to another poster, exactly the same problem, able to access the site but unable to post. Again after a couple of days, the issue went away.

The two posters were claiming they got errors on the site prior to the posting issue, timeouts etc. I put that down to the server though. Also, they were both using Chrome.

Just wondering what the problem could be, not sure if it's even an issue with Xenforo?

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