Issue "Connection Timed out "


Version : 1.5.15


The last week, i moved my database forum because the one at OVH was full (200 mega byte). I decided to moved the database in my own server (I already use other DB which are located on this server).
But, since this time, I have an important issue when someone try to connect on the corresponding forum (I have never had that before)
You can imagine I have a lot of pages with these errors (200), and it really slows down the forum. You can see the error below.

Generated by : unknown account

And sometimes, when I'm loading a page, i need to reload once again :
An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.

I try to reboot apache services, reboot the server machine ....
I don't know what I need to do. So, if you can help me, I would be very grateful.
These are issues your sysadmin or host will have to investigate and resolve.

It sounds like monitoring is required to determine what the issues are, and possibly tuning.
Thank you, I did not receive answers from my host (OVH) ... So if someone know from where that can come (mysql max_connections ?, database on another server ?).
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