XF 2.2 /internal_data/code_cache


Well-known member
Sorry if this is not the correct forum.

I'd like to know what the /internal_data/code_cache/templates is for?
It has two subdir's i0 and i1 both with a bunch of s-numbers dir's and those have email and public directory. Inside are a bunch of php files.

Does anyone know what purpose they serve? When they are created, during execution, and I do not know when they are removed, or invalidated by the script, which means I'm not sure how relevant they still are.
Just for sake of you knowing what the directories are... they aren't i0/i1... it's l0/l1 (l as in "language").

l0 is the master language... l1 would be the actual language selectable by users (for example in my case, "U.S. English")... could be a l2 if you have additional languages that users can select.

Along the same line, the s0/s1 directories under that are the styles... 0 = master style, s1 would be the style that users see, and s2 or others would be additional styles you have available.

After the style directories, you have admin/email/public which is where templates are stored. So for example, this file: internal_data/code_cache/templates/l1/s1/public/account_upgrades.php

Is the public account_upgrades template for style #1, language #1.

...maybe you don't care about the guts of what they are, but as @Chris D alluded to, they are very important. Your site will not work without them.
Oh splendid! I started another thread that will shine some further light into this and the sibling directories in this folder!

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