XF 1.4 Integrated sitemap and addons


Active member
What steps we have to do if we have and add-on (cemzoo sitemap in my case) to delete it and use the new integrated sitemap that comes with XF 1.4?

Some previous configuration? redirections? can we have problems if we just delete add-on (and old sitemap) and then use and submit the new?

(Sorry for my english)
I think is the same that if the sitemap was manually done by me (I know it would be crazy/stupid), but I don't know it delete the add-on/or my own sitemap and then use a new one (the one that comes with XF 1.4) would cause any problem with google/bing
Just submit the new one after uninstalling or deactivating the old add-on.

Be sure to delete all the old sitemaps (and submitting sitemap.php) in your google-webmaster-account and /or renaming your old directory where the sitemaps reside in.
It would have been a lot better if you uninstalled the plugin before the upgrade, but uninstalling after the upgrade also works. It's just a better practice to uninstall something you know you won't use (like the sitemap plugin), because of the new addition.
I think is the same that if the sitemap was manually done by me (I know it would be crazy/stupid), but I don't know it delete the add-on/or my own sitemap and then use a new one (the one that comes with XF 1.4) would cause any problem with google/bing
You're going to have to. That is, unless you want google or other search engines to be "double" submitting or indexing. Uninstall and re-index.

And yes, it will cause a problem because it's basically "double" content. You don't want google (and other search engines) to think you have two places to find your content.
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