Integrated Blogs


Well-known member
The latest version (3.8) Kier & Mike produced for Jelsoft has it... Invision Powerboard has it. So it seems logical/natural that xenForo needs to provide integrated Blogs aswell. Otherwise a large part of customers will be unable/unwilling to transfer their vB boards to xenForo, because we really need our integrated Blogs aswell.

Please do [like] this first posting if you think it is a good feature suggestion for XenForo
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You need to appreciate that our current focus is XF 2.0, with a secondary focus of maintaining what we currently have. If other products are to be developed, they will be developed on the XF 2.X code base. That, essentially, is our road map.

There's little point in questioning the business decisions for why certain products have or haven't been developed, yet, because doing so won't make them happen any quicker. If they are categorically never going to happen, then we'd have likely marked this suggestion as "Not Planned". As it happens, it's still a valid suggestion along with the many others.

For now, a great deal of people are moving away from other products and either archiving their Blogs, removing them completely or using a third party solution. There's no way for us to know for sure, but anecdotally I can only ever recall one user saying they absolutely can't migrate without blogs, and that's you.
I have just remembered this post by Mike which is as relevant to a CMS as it is to Blogs:
Some suggestions are just plain massive. A good example is the CMS suggestion. This isn't a feature suggestion; this is a product suggestion, a potentially very complex product suggestion. While XenForo is a framework, it is primarily based around the forum software; that is presumably why you're all here. That is likely to be our primary product for the foreseeable future. While it may be worthwhile for us to create a CMS, this would have a knock on effect on everything else we do so this (or any new product) is not something we could take on lightly. In my opinion, it's unfair to cite the lack of a CMS as a failing of a forum software package. It may be something that you need and it may be provided by others, but it's still separate from a forum and our primary product. If you need a CMS that is natively integrated with your forum, unless there's an add-on that you're comfortable with, XenForo is unlikely to fit that and I'm not in a position to say if or when it would fit that.
There is a point for me asking these questions Chris, otherwise I would not ask them. My intention is to understand and get clarity. And find solutions. It has no relation to 'making them happen any quicker...'

As I already stated, more (big) board owners that I am in contact with have exactly the same wishes and needs. Apparently I am the only one clearly voicing the need of a Blog in public this way and our dependence on it. That does not mean I am the only one out there...

But I have reached a conclusion because of your comments above. Thank you.
Groups and Blogs are two parts that we really missed since coming from vb to xf.
As @Chris D quoted @Mike 's message, Although I prefer always new options in core, but it will be more logical to see new official add-ons for them.
Hope to see Groups and Blogs next to RM and MG asap.
dont like integrated blog idea, to much work for admins, want blog buy it and install like add on!!or maybe xenforo developer offer blog like option inside customer area!!
Groups and Blogs are two parts that we really missed since coming from vb to xf.
Although I prefer always new options in core, but it will be more logical to see new official add-ons for them.
Actually.. I could see Groups as a core function. Blogs - yes, it would be better fit for an "application" similar to RM and XMG in my opinion.
I am stuck with dead Better Blogs. And there is no importer for the new ones. I don't know when will it be broken with an update. Blogs are mandatory!

Wow. 7 years since the suggestion!
@Recep Baltaş , are you aware of the fact that you appear to have famous family members? Look for yourself:


(slightly off-topic, but okay.
Select following to see the spoiler: this is Scott MacVicar, one of the former developers of the once de facto standard in forum software called 'vBulletin')
Last edited:
I have several projects, all of them on vB 4 and only because there are blogs and social groups there. Blogs are an integral part of the forum, people create for example a product and they want to create their own discussion in their part of the resource. Many migrate already from social networks and they also need their own part of the forum - it's their part - not the thread of the forum, but part of the resource. Of course you can say blogs are moving away - but see how many people are writing in this topic and want to see the addition of the Blog. And how many forums can not switch to XF 2 because they understand how difficult it will be to deprive users of their blogs - what should they do? Buy third-party, non-integrated solutions? Yes they do, but they are not quality products. Of course development is an expensive activity, but make a Blog for $ 300 - I'll buy it, because I need a quality product. I need social groups, I also buy them for $ 300 - because I need quality solutions from your company integrated into the forum. Make a poll, about blogs and social groups, determine the goals and price of products, I'm sure many will support me, and how many more new users with vB 4 will go to your team when they see such solutions.
I have several projects, all of them on vB 4 and only because there are blogs and social groups there. Blogs are an integral part of the forum, people create for example a product and they want to create their own discussion in their part of the resource. Many migrate already from social networks and they also need their own part of the forum - it's their part - not the thread of the forum, but part of the resource. Of course you can say blogs are moving away - but see how many people are writing in this topic and want to see the addition of the Blog. And how many forums can not switch to XF 2 because they understand how difficult it will be to deprive users of their blogs - what should they do? Buy third-party, non-integrated solutions? Yes they do, but they are not quality products. Of course development is an expensive activity, but make a Blog for $ 300 - I'll buy it, because I need a quality product. I need social groups, I also buy them for $ 300 - because I need quality solutions from your company integrated into the forum. Make a poll, about blogs and social groups, determine the goals and price of products, I'm sure many will support me, and how many more new users with vB 4 will go to your team when they see such solutions.

Really good point. Make a 3rd party blog add-on. It is more vital than the resource add-on. 300? Let's make it 500. Does not matter, I'll buy it.
I only recently learned about xenForo and I did not know that the management was from Jelsoft. Invision Power Board has a blog this is true as does WoltLab. I cannot really understand why xenForo does not support this feature. But since WordPress does it better than anyone else I can imagine it is a deterrent to competition.

Please excuse my English.
I was contemplating using several add-ons to achieve the look and feel of a blog add-on using forums / threads, but there's still a few stumbling blocks with this approach..

Here's hoping a Blog add-on is offered up soon! @Bob @ThemeHouse ;)
I was contemplating using several add-ons to achieve the look and feel of a blog add-on using forums / threads, but there's still a few stumbling blocks with this approach..

Here's hoping a Blog add-on is offered up soon! @Bob @ThemeHouse ;)

This is a suggestion thread to have it as an official XF addon, not a third party.
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