Installing WordPress in a subdirectory


Active member
I have Xenforo installed in the root directory and I just installed WordPress in /articles sub directory. Well, everything is working fine using the WordPress default URL structure but when I am changing it to the WordPress post is getting redirected to Xenforo's 404 page not found.

Any idea of what is wrong here?
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If you temporarily remove XF's .htaccess file, does it work? I would presume no, which likely points to an issue with the WP .htaccess configuration. XF won't be involved in any way if there's an articles sub-directory (unless there's a 404 within that the articles/.htaccess file doesn't grab).
I use nginx as a Web server, so I guess the virtual block configuration must be involved with this.

So, is it something specific that I should look for?
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I think adding
location /articles/ {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /articles/index.php?$uri&$args;
in the server block config is fixing the problem. It seems to work fine now.

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