Installing/Uninstalling Addons Very slow


Well-known member
My forum loads fine, and there are no server issues or loading issues. But whenever I install an addon it takes a good 10 minutes when it used to be just a few seconds.. its very slow.. Its been like this for a month. It does the same thing when installing/upgrading/uninstalling. Its very very slow.
Any help?
There is no solution as such.
Server configuration, the number of styles, etc. will all have a bearing on how long the rebuild takes.
There is no solution as such.
Server configuration, the number of styles, etc. will all have a bearing on how long the rebuild takes.
I just have 2, and the mobille style is very light.. and it used to be fine before. Its fine on my demo bored which is on a freehost, and is the exact same copy of my orginal.
Have there been any recent changes to the server/host your production board is on which would account for this?

Speak to your host to see if they have increased the number of sites, if it's a shared server.
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