Fixed Installing add-on is broken right now


Well-known member
Affected version
This happens after a fresh installation and only if the first add-on being installed makes use of the require field in addon.json. For some reason the XF version when making checks for the require is 2000010 but after installing any add-on that doesn't check for XF version the require bug goes away.

Here is the contents of addon.json I'm trying to install:
    "legacy_addon_id": "SV_WarningImprovements",
    "title": "Warning Improvements",
    "description": "A (large) collection of improvements to XF's warning system.",
    "version_id": 2000000,
    "version_string": "2.0.0 Alpha",
    "dev": "Xon",
    "dev_url": "",
    "faq_url": "",
    "support_url": "",
    "extra_urls": [],
    "require": {
        "XF": [
            "XenForo 2.0.0+"
        "php": [
            "PHP 5.6.0+"
    "icon": "fa-exclamation-triangle"
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