XF 2.0 Insert image now insert image one by one


Active member

in xenforo 1.4 the insert image option allow user to insert multiple images in same time, since xenforo 2 seem's like you only can insert images one by one.
how can we change that to accept multiple image insertion in same time ?
I've seen this before where the link to insert all the attachments is not shown. Try clearing the cache in your browser and restarting the browser.
Hmm sorry i think the problem is different.

I mean :
When you are trying to upload a image, you can only upload one at time. ( If you don't use the attach files function but the insrrt image function ).
The same if you select 2 image and try to drag and drop them both, only one will be taked
Hmm sorry i think the problem is different.

I mean :
When you are trying to upload a image, you can only upload one at time. ( If you don't use the attach files function but the insrrt image function ).
The same if you select 2 image and try to drag and drop them both, only one will be taked

Try clearing the cache in your browser and restarting the browser.
i tryed it but still the same. Its not a problem of cache but configuration.

Its possible to upload more than one image by drag and drop in one time ?
Sadly this editor (Froala) will only allow you to drag and drop one image (unlike the Redactor editor in XenForo 1.5 which allows multiple images).
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