XF 2.2 Insert image from xenforo attach URL


Active member
Hi All,

I am working on something that helps cross forum posting, dealing with attachments has been an issue and I don't want to move those across the site(s).

I try to embed the attachment which is an image using the [img] bbcode however it will not render the image. If I insert the same code inside standard HTML it works fine. Just wondering if there is someway to get this working (I also tried with a custom bbcode as well

As an example the URL looks something like https://<siteurl>/forums/index.php?attachments/user_pc-png.13270/

That will show up as an unloaded image if I post it, but in standard HTML renders and if I go to the URL it also renders

If the image is available to guests and hotlinking is not prevented then it can be embedded.

Right click and open it in a new tab to get the correct URL.
If the image is available to guests and hotlinking is not prevented then it can be embedded.

Right click and open it in a new tab to get the correct URL.
If the image is available to guests and hotlinking is not prevented then it can be embedded.

Right click and open it in a new tab to get the correct URL.
Thanks, I realised just before I saw your reply I was dealing with a permissions issue. Flicked guest permissions to post attachments on and it worked.

Thank you
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