XF 1.1 Insert Icons to Custom Navigation Tab

You need to use CSS like:
.nodetab50 > .navLink:before {
position: absolute;
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
background-image: url({link to your tab image});

of-course you need to refine the code, add more style properties to match the look ;)
Thanks Mr.Goodie. However, it seems very complicated. Are there any other ways to find the name tab that i just added on the navigation then insert some html code like: <img src="image links"> as same as i can do it for the default tabs of Xenforo?
Thanks Mr.Goodie. However, it seems very complicated. Are there any other ways to find the name tab that i just added on the navigation then insert some html code like: <img src="image links"> as same as i can do it for the default tabs of Xenforo?

The Nodes As Tabs addon (as well as every other addon with a tab) uses the extraTabs skeleton in the navigation template. It's a generic block of HTML that is used for all such tabs. Editing that skeleton would affect all such tabs.

CSS is the way to go. Example:

.nodetab31 .navLink:before
	content: url('path/to/image.gif');
	margin-right: 5px;

The result:

Screen shot 2012-12-28 at 11.22.00 PM.webp
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