It was brought to my attention that the times for each timezone is wrong. When I even select my timezone (UTC-7:00 Arizona), it comes up as 12:34PM when really it's 5:34PM here. We tested the UTC Dublin, Lisbon, London and it says 8:37PM when really it's 12:37AM there. My user registration option is set to UTC Dublin, Lisbon, London by default. Also, my default my server time is UTC Sep 22nd 19:38:15 2014 when I enter the command "date."
Any idea how I can fix this?
It was brought to my attention that the times for each timezone is wrong. When I even select my timezone (UTC-7:00 Arizona), it comes up as 12:34PM when really it's 5:34PM here. We tested the UTC Dublin, Lisbon, London and it says 8:37PM when really it's 12:37AM there. My user registration option is set to UTC Dublin, Lisbon, London by default. Also, my default my server time is UTC Sep 22nd 19:38:15 2014 when I enter the command "date."
Any idea how I can fix this?