As designed Inconsistent phrasing


Well-known member
Affected version
Payed subscriptions are referred to as User upgrades in backend but Account upgrades in frontend - this seems inconsistent and confusing.
It could be that site owners use the term users, but the users think of themselves as members. I never call members users, sounds like they are all drug addicts.
I read this in ACP as they're my users, but users upgrade their accounts.

Just my 2¢.
This is the precise reason it is how it is (and has been since 1.0.0).

It could be that site owners use the term users, but the users think of themselves as members. I never call members users, sounds like they are all drug addicts.
This is a good secondary reason. At best, we'd still call it "Member upgrades" on the front end, but as it pertains to upgrading their account there isn't a compelling reason to deviate from the existing "Account upgrades".
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