XF 1.1 Import from vB 3.8 -> Import Threads and Posts... Stuck in 38,71%

Hello, Brogan,

I am Harutyun Drnoyan from Skydevelop OU and we are handling this import for Rodrigo.
The import process is running, the browser reloads, but it shows the same percent - 38.71%. It hangs some time in "Waiting for domain.com.." stage, then reloads (like it does sometimes for normal import) and shows the same percent.

Anytime reloading the page, or starting the importer again (with Continue Import) starts from the same state.

Thank you!
As Brogan said, it may be processing a big thread. Check the database to see if it's still making progress. Look for an increasing number of thread and post records in your XF database while running that module.
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