XF 2.0 Import database from XF 1 to XF 2


for testing purposes before upgrade I need to make a private/secondary installation of XenForo 2, importing all the existing data from my XenForo 1.x installation.

How I can proceed, without upgrading my existing XF1 installation?
That suggests you might not have done the uploading correctly. Is the file /internal_data/install-lock.php present? If not, did you make sure to merge with the existing folders and not overwrite them? You can create a empty install-lock.php file and try again to verify if you have uploaded the files correctly.
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That suggests you might not have done the uploading correctly. Is the file /internal_data/install-lock.php present? If not, did you make sure to merge the existing folders and not overwrite them?

I've merged and now it says to me
Oops! We ran into some problems.
You have already completed installation. If you wish to reinstall, please delete the file internal_data/install-lock.php.

But if i go to the forum home it says:
The site is currently being upgraded. Please try again later.
Go back to /install/ -- it will redirect you to the upgrade system at that point. (Previously, since files were missing, you were explicitly in the new install system.)
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