XF 1.5 Impact of removing Facebook integration?


Well-known member
What is the impact of removing Facebook integration from my site? Specifically, I'm referring to the login integration (and not the 'like' functionality).

For example, if users signed-up using this feature and its subsequently removed, will their logins be affected? If so, is there a way to determine which users signed up using this feature? I couldn't find anything in the Advanced Search.

If you remove it, any users that used it to sign up, won't be able to login unless they do a lost password request.

There isn't really a UI way to see stats on usage. To get details, you'd need to see the xf_user_external_auth table to see how many people have a "facebook" provider. Note that it is possible that some of the users already have another method of logging in (including a password), though that would likely be very uncommon.
If you’re using PhpMyAdmin it is probably showing you an encoded binary value.

Try this query:
FROM xf_user_external_auth
WHERE provider = 'facebook'
Hi chris,
iam try to run that command, this notice appear
i cant find that table too :confused:

Edit. Ups sorry that for xf 1.5 :X3::notworthy:

is there any query command for xf 2?

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