Image Upload Demo II

Sorry to hear that. Sucks.
It's not all bad news though:

Good: In January, the police found my 1DIII and 24-70 in a house during a random drugs raid.

Bad: Nine months later, I still can't recover my property, because apparently it's evidence in the trial - whenever that happens.
hmmm... I hope the XF-code is safe and you have locked it in a vault ?

anyway, we will have backups after the 5th of October ;)
Erich - yes, she was very much still married when I saw her earlier this week.

And rest assured, the XenForo code is extremely safe.
As an aside, I think my favourite of these images is this one (below), as it's so relaxed and natural -

I almost always prefer unstructured candid shots, at our wedding I had requested the photographer take no formal posed shots at all, but he ended up posing us anyway >_< argh, I didn't realise for quite a while as was too freaked out lol .. and I HATE all those photos .. but the ones where we had no idea I like :D

I think one of the reasons why all of these shots including the posed ones look great is because you know the couple so well, and they are relaxed and happy in your presence. They are lucky to have had you as photographer for their wedding, the photos are brilliant!
:D, I am. Uhm... is mentioning my real name part of your warning-campaign towards her husband? ;)
You have a real name? ;)

I can understand your smitten-ness, she really is lovely. She has an absolutely gorgeous daughter too, who is two weeks younger than my eldest - that how we know each other.

1DN65639.webp timeless should blow it up scaled and mount and hang that. Congrats ..and best of luck!

My friends wedding photographer did something similar, I love the idea. I don't think I still have the photograph on my computer, but let me go look real fast. *runs to iPhoto* I do! Their faces are blurred, so I don't feel super bad posting it (I, for the record, did not take this). For their wedding they gave CDs of songs their wedding party thought represented them and I burned them for them, and we got together and I purchased a CD labeling software (well, updated) and we made a bunch of them. This picture (just the hands) was one of the 5 we did. Photography is by far one of the best things ever. OK, I can't upload the file because it's saying its too large... But it was similar, it was focused on the hands and they were blurred in the background.
It would be nice if attachments could end in the extension. I am using the Hover Zoom extension on Google Chrome and it isn't working.

Very nice pictures though!
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