I'm a dad!

Congrats. It's the most beautiful feeling and get ready for long nights without sleep.

I hope she grows to live a very happy life.

Not at all.
We just haven't decided yet.

Some people think it's terrible that our baby doesn't yet have a name but we consider it to be a very important decision so we want to get it right.

In our defence we did actually think we had several more weeks but the delivery was brought forward unexpectedly late last week.

I had the same situation last year, when my daughter came to this world prematurely two months early.
We went as much as 7 days until we picked Eljesa as her name.
Many congrats to Brogan, mummy Brogan and Xen Brogan ;) Your time on XenForo may greatly decrease when you all get home...rightly so :p Enjoy it all!
Xen Brogan, I like it :D

My time has already dried to a trickle.
Just got home with mother and baby so I'll see you when I see you ;)
Daughter's are cool. (I have 3) All you need to start doing now is start stocking up on the ammo, barbed wire, and claymores. That way, by the time she gets to dating age, you'll have all the items necessary for the lads.

My oldest is 24 and she STILL tells her dates that I'll shoot them on sight if they get out of line. **snicker** :D
We finally named her after 3 days.
There were a few names on the shortlist but we eventually decided.

Say hello to Maya everyone (pronunciation).

A very exhausted but extremely happy dad :)

Looks like I'll have to buy my own XenForo license :D

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