If you have $2,000 to spend to improve your site, what would you use it on?


Well-known member
I'm thinking some type of SEO optimization might be the best way to spend the majority of the budget? What if the budget is $5,000? Would that change the way you'd use the money? Maybe a big custom add-on? A mobile app? Or should it all still go to SEO?

I'm not planning on doing this or anything; just curious to hear your personal opinions.
I actually kinda considered content as SEO. Not sure if it is generally seen as a SEO method?
SEO = Search Engine Optimization

So, you are optimizing what is already there. Like rewriting your articles with keywords and such or like in the past having backlinks on other sites worked crazy well for SEO. So, I wouldn't call content as SEO usually, although of course technically speaking anything content related works towards having better search engine results. So one could call it that but I don't do it. So maybe I misunderstood.

Since you are American, there is a competing forum of yours who left an interesting review couple of months ago. I would check that out if I were you. https://xenforo.com/community/threa...-your-ad-revenue-check-out-datablocks.209360/
I actually kinda considered content as SEO. Not sure if it is generally seen as a SEO method?
SEO is never the best option when it comes to what you spend your money on; a lot of it is already covered by XenForo (or add-ons), and the remaining things you can do will not really give you any real edge. There is a diminishing return with SEO investment; you are either going to be putting a large amount of time that can be focused elsewhere (such as content) or you're going to be spending a large amount of money (which could be invested elsewhere).

Where you spend money and how you spend money depends on your site's subject, size, and activity.
Content is king, ok. But SEO is prince.
With similar content, the site that has worked on its SEO will undoubtedly be favored by Google.
SEO should be a byproduct of a focus on your content, and a focus on how your site is made. Most SEO is just a focus on general design and content practices.

On topic though, I normally invest into custom development. We have a number of private add-ons that are always in need of improvement, or there are add-ons that I fund for one purpose or another. A large part of the add-ons I fund are to work together with other add-ons to encourage activity.
I'm thinking some type of SEO optimization might be the best way to spend the majority of the budget? What if the budget is $5,000? Would that change the way you'd use the money? Maybe a big custom add-on? A mobile app? Or should it all still go to SEO?

I'm not planning on doing this or anything; just curious to hear your personal opinions.
I would hire good writers to create great content for your niche. We've had great success with articles ranking things in your niche and interviewing people and members who have excelled in your niche. Etc...
New telescope related equipment... as it would go MUCH further (via articles and posts using the equipment on the site) than ANY SEO related impact would.
We run pretty cheap so $2000 is my budget for like 9-10 years if I don't need external services like restyling so I am not sure what I would do. Maybe a redesign to better handle our content pages (3-4 article forums) or move to a better host (we use shared that's usable but not stellar). To me, $2000 is a whole new site, really.
I'd probably spend it on custom branding, content and a bit of SEO. All important factors on building out a site, so I'd rather have a few things improved than spend it on one big thing.
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