If page not found, load something.


Active member
Where can i find the controller that worries about loading /thread/ to thread.php (that's an example)?
I would edit it so that if no match is found the script does what i want =)
Where can i find the controller that worries about loading /thread/ to thread.php (that's an example)?
I would edit it so that if no match is found the script does what i want =)

You shouldn't need to edit any php files. You can use the load_class_controller listener to listen for the class XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread
That allows me to edit whatever happens when the url is ./threads/something, true?
I would see where xf decides to load ./threads/* instead of ./forums/* etc.

I think i will have to sit back and study, study and study. This OO lets me ... :confused:
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