Fixed Identifying a page


Well-known member

I want to add some style properties to a single page and I can't figure out how to do it on v2. In v1 I was able to do something like

.node10 .title { color: #fff; }

However there is no node identification that I can see. Basically for pages I need to add a 250px left-margin to the title, but only on certain pages.

Any help is appreciated.

Not a bug per se but also not necessarily a deliberate omission. I'll move this to bugs to see if it's something we want to add back.

In the meantime, what you could do is create a deselectable style as a child to your main style, implement your changes, and then set the necessary forums to "Override user style choice" to that style.
Not a bug per se but also not necessarily a deliberate omission. I'll move this to bugs to see if it's something we want to add back.

In the meantime, what you could do is create a deselectable style as a child to your main style, implement your changes, and then set the necessary forums to "Override user style choice" to that style.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the reply.

That is less than ideal as far as multiple styles goes. I am trying to wrap my head around LESS at the moment. I am wondering if it is possible to create a conditional within it? So, in my pages, assuming there is a sidenav ( .p-body-sideNav ), IF it is showing THEN add a 250px margin-left to .p-title

Is something like that possible?

I've added data-container-key and data-content-key to the <HTML> tag for beta 3 - in your case, you could apply your styling like this:
html[data-container-key="node10"] .title
    color: #fff;
I am wondering if it is possible to create a conditional within it? So, in my pages, assuming there is a sidenav ( .p-body-sideNav ), IF it is showing THEN add a 250px margin-left to .p-title
Probably worth asking in a new thread if there are still questions after this, but to answer the question directly (as it's sort of a separate thing to the page level context)...

We indicate on the main body element if there is a side nav or not:
.p-body-main.p-body-main--withSideNav .p-title
    margin-left: 250px;
So, that should do it. You would however need to compensate for that when the side nav is no longer showing ("responsiveWide" and below).
I've added data-container-key and data-content-key to the <HTML> tag for beta 3 - in your case, you could apply your styling like this:
html[data-container-key="node10"] .title
    color: #fff;

Awesome! Thank you very much Kier.

Probably worth asking in a new thread if there are still questions after this, but to answer the question directly (as it's sort of a separate thing to the page level context)...

We indicate on the main body element if there is a side nav or not:
.p-body-main.p-body-main--withSideNav .p-title
    margin-left: 250px;
So, that should do it. You would however need to compensate for that when the side nav is no longer showing ("responsiveWide" and below).

Thanks very much Chris! I will try that and see how it goes. Thanks again for the help mate.

EDIT: I tried playing around with it, but it seems that because the .p-title div isn't nested within the --withSideNav div it fails to recognise the css. It was worth a shot though.
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