Lack of interest I would like to be able to click Prefixes outside of forum view

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Well-known member
Prefixes are clickable in the forum view and that's it.

However if I am browsing the forum in another area, new posts, etc. and I see a prefix I like, I'd like to be able to click it and it take me to the same place as if I clicked it in forum view (the prefix sort for that particular forum).

Prefixes and tags have been used in place of categories in some of the so-called "modern" solutions, but I happen to like the way XF does it. I just want to be able to click them.

I like that they are forum-dedicated, meaning they are not global like tags, and they take you to that prefix of that forum. But that should not be a reason to not make them clickable outside forum view. If I am browsing and I see a thread: (Chicken) Chicken Pot Pie Recipe... it would be super beneficial to be able to click Chicken and it takes me to the Recipe forum, Chicken prefixes.

I would also like to be able to click this in thread view. The prefix is seen at the top to the left of the thread title. If the thread you are reading is interesting by subject matter, it just saves clicks.

Side note: Don't want to open a bug report for this minor issue but in Latest Activity (and some other areas like the last post in forum view) you can click the prefix, but it takes you to the thread because it is just an extension of the hyperlink. However this in inconsistent with the other behavior, where you can't click at all, and conflicts with forum view where it takes to to the sort.

Thank you for considering!
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Upvote 4
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Thanks - I had it on my TODO list to create a suggestion for pretty much exactly this.

We use prefixes heavily across ZooChat to represent individual zoos so that threads (within each country forum) can be grouped by zoo.

The lack of ability to click on a prefix in a thread and have it take you to the prefixed forum list is sorely missed and frequently requested by our members.
I'm new to XF but when I tested them they took me to the forum sort, and I tested same-name prefixes in different forums, like For Sale in Ford, For Sale in Chevy... I may need to test again, but they should still be clickable and bring you to the For Sale prefixes either way... that's the main issue for those intending to use like categories. The annoyance was trying to click to no avail. Tons of sub-forums is old school and there's serious potential here. Thanks.
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