I know someone who...

*scours memory for something suitably obscure... finds something*

My high-school sweetheart's mother was married to Lawrence Olivier's son.
hmmm... lets think.... I know:

2 XenForo developers
1 XenForo Business Manager
1 guy who works for FaceBook
other miscellaneous people involved either currently or previously with Jelsoft and PirateReports

I've spoken to:
1 Premiership football manager (I'll refrain from naming the team though but his first name sounds like the team he manages)
1 Main character from Coronation Street (a UK soap)

and thats all I can think off right Now off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are more if I thought about it
I've spoken to:
1 Premiership football manager (I'll refrain from naming the team though but his first name sounds like the team he manages)

It must have been a real pleasure for you to speak with such a great gentleman. Arsene Wenger is a true example of a great man with a passion for playing beautiful football.
Ohhhhh yeah i forgot.... I have trained with Billy Blanks ( pre tai-bo), professor Toro Tanaka , Edward Parker (my Grandmaster may he rest in peace), Fabian Nunez, Danny Inosanto, Huk Planas and Remy Presas Sr. over the years of my martial arts training.
I know an Olympic Medalists.

Repeat this 12 times as I know many of them.

Young Park
Gary Anderson
Doug Blubaugh, very strange the various contacts with his family. Dead now.
Shelby Wilson, I dated his niece. Dead now.
Kenny Monday, team mate.
John John Smith, team mate.
Leroy Smith
Bruce Baumgartner
Randy Lewis
Dan Gable
Chris Campbell
Lou Banach

I have seen countless more but never actually knew them or talked to them.

hmmm... lets think.... I know:

2 XenForo developers
1 XenForo Business Manager
1 guy who works for FaceBook
other miscellaneous people involved either currently or previously with Jelsoft and PirateReports

I've spoken to:
1 Premiership football manager (I'll refrain from naming the team though but his first name sounds like the team he manages)
1 Main character from Coronation Street (a UK soap)

and thats all I can think off right Now off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are more if I thought about it
It must have been a real pleasure for you to speak with such a great gentleman. Arsene Wenger is a true example of a great man with a passion for playing beautiful football.
unfortunatley i couldn't talk football with him. I had to be very professional and talk business only :(
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