XF 1.5 HTML code to make images responsive?


Active member
Since XF is responsive, I am guessing the responsive HTML code for banners etc. will make the ads look perfect on mobile devices. But what HTML code exactly should I use for clickable banner images? Please paste the code here that works perfectly with XF so I just need to edit the image link and destination link. I found the follow code online but the banners don't seem fully responsive when using this code.

  <a href="(destination link)" target="_blank">
    <img src="(image link)" height="(image height)" width="(image width)" style='width:100%;max-width:(image width)px' border="0" alt="Null">
Since XF is responsive, I am guessing the responsive HTML code for banners etc. will make the ads look perfect on mobile devices. But what HTML code exactly should I use for clickable banner images? Please paste the code here that works perfectly with XF so I just need to edit the image link and destination link. I found the follow code online but the banners don't seem fully responsive when using this code.
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